Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello friends and family,

Sorry that we've been missing lately. My camera is on it's way out and Gramma Denno's camera (she was kind enough to loan it to us) needs batteries. We've stayed busy though and had a nice weekend. Yesterday we went shopping - the highlight for Kellan was chasing Katie and Kylie around in the restaurant and at the mall. He has so much fun with you girls!

The boys are growing up and learning new things all the time. Kellan is really starting to use even more imaginative play (and words). He loves to stage little accidents and races with his "Cars" while Sean drops to his belly when he's placed in a sitting position - he wants to move so it will probably not be long!

Today, Kellan took all the pillows out of my bedroom and dropped them on the playroom floor so that Sean would have a soft place to bounce and he would have a soft place to land when he dove to the floor. What a guy. He ran around with Daddy's hat on most of the day - he's growing up so fast, and if I do say so, very well.

God bless
Love, Katie and the boys

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Oh...and...Kellan went Pee-pee on the potty today!! Yeah! I don't think it's the official beginning of potty training yet, but he's getting ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had lots of fun meeting you all for lunch and a little running around at the mall! The kids are really starting to play well together--I am SO happy about that! They will grow up to be good friends!
PEE-PEE on the POTTY!!! YIPPEE--it's a start! GOOD JOB KELLAN! So, Katie, what adventure should we plan next??!!