Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Uncle Stephen! 

Your card didn't make it in the mail yet, but we really do have one for you...and a little chocolate treat! 

We hope your day is very special!!
Kellan and Sean

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Granny!!

Here are some photos that we've taken over the last couple weeks...

First, let me say that we are wishing Granny Barry a VERY happy birthday!  And...we also wish the rest of you a Happy St. Paddy's Day!!
For a Momma/Mum with 2 very Irish boys, I've done a terrible job this year. We did manage a dinner of fish sticks and spinach (hey, it's green!!). Other than that, we thought of Granny Barry and hoped that she has a very special day!!

Lots of love to that very special lady!!

xx us!

Bedtime fun ; )

Painting with the "snow crayons" Uncle Stephen and Stacy sent!  Very Cool!!  Thanks much!!

I just found these pics as I was getting ready to post.  Kellan worked to build this (with some help) and then he found the camera and took these pictures by himself.  He's really growing up!!

(isn't that cute...little hand holding up the motorcycle for a great shot!?)  LOVE!!

Our very (NOT) fancy St. Paddy's day least it tasted good!

Sean had eaten some very messy watermelon earlier...thus, no shirt ; )
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Well, I owe a whole lot of photos, but they are not going in here yet...I will try to get them here today.  I did, however read this poem yesterday and had to post it here today - - Since I fell totally in love with it.  Kellan is really developing a love for reading and the boys love all things "make-believe."  I have always been a big reader and hope that these little men learn to love it too.  Since this blog is a "scrapbook" of sorts...this poem had to make it in here.

The Reading Mother


Strickland Gillilan

I had a mother who read to me

Sagas of pirates who scoured the sea,

Cutlasses clenched in their yellow teeth,

"Blackbirds" stowed in the hold beneath.

I had a Mother who read me lays

Of ancient and gallant and golden days;

Stories of Marmion and Ivanhoe,

Which every boy has a right to know.

I had a Mother who read me tales

Of Gelert the hound of the hills of Wales,

True to his trust till his tragic death,

Faithfulness blent with his final breath.

I had a Mother who read me the things

That wholesome life to the boy heart brings--

Stories that stir with an upward touch,

Oh, that each mother of boys were such!

You may have tangible wealth untold;

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.

Richer than I you can never be--

I had a Mother who read to me.

Sigh...every time I read this I get "chills"...LOVE!!