Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wet shoes

We went for a walk around the trail last night.

Well, I walked...Kellan ran almost the whole way...with little "adventure breaks"

A BIG thank you to the Bishops for the delicious BIG cookie - this one actually made it home to Kellan ; )

Fun times...

Do you think that hand holding is out of love or bossiness : )

Working on Something for the Birthday party, we won't say what ; )
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Here are photos from the last couple of days. I took this one while we were on the phone with you Auntie Jennifer. We are so sorry that we missed you on Skype!! We need to try it again very soon ; )

Kellan was tucking Sean in for a rest...nice big brother XOXO
Tonight we went to the school to watch a Lacrosse game that our friend Julie's son was playing in. Kellan is fascinated with all of Kyle's that Hockey season is over, he is very interested in Lacrosse ; ) That little cutie is Miss. Erin - she is so good with Kellan and Sean!!
Sean was very relaxed by the time we headed home...
The crowd had cleared out, but Erin and Kellan waited for the players to shake hands and leave the field.

Love that smile..."All I want for MY BIRTHDAY is my two front teeth" ; )

We saw this little guy on our way home...Kellan happened to be eating "Annie's Honey Bunnies." At his request, we offered one to the bunny - he just hopped away. Kellan said "Him eat it later." I'm sure he's right ; )
G'night all, XOXO

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gramma Denno took Kellan to church this morning, so it was just Sean and I running some errands. He got away from me for just a moment when I was getting us ready to go and he made a bit of a mess ; ) Soooo cute!!


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Saturday, April 17, 2010

I know that I've been terrible about posting! My computer is giving me a difficult time, so it's not a quick thing to post...I'll try to do better : )

This guy is very brave. He gets himself into all kinds of situations...then cries for help to get down ; ) XOXO

Kellan does not cooperate with pictures these all!!

The next few photos are from a couple days ago. Kellan found some of my "leaves" from school and wanted to make a hat (just like he saw on Little Bear). He had some extra leaves, so he made one for Seanie too

: ), XOXO

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Guess who learned to drink from a straw? Yup...4/10/10 ; )

Kellan loves to "cook"...we can't wait to try out our new cookbook! Thank you Eve!! XXOO

Goofy expressions are his thing ; ) XOXO

Asking "Where Donny" (AKA: "Seanie")
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Learning and growing

Oh gosh, so much to say. First of all, an apology for not posting pics enough. There simply are not enough hours in each day. Secondly, we LOVE all the new photos of cousin Eve! You look so sweet in your Easter dress!! We love the "old" photos too, such a beautiful baby!! (We really need to work at keeping up). I have no photos at all of Easter...guess who forgot her camera?! We will be happy to post any pics that our family feels like sending our way (ahem...Chantelle : ).

Sean has been quite fussy today and that is not like him at all. He woke last night with a fever and I gave him some medicine, but he did not sleep well at all which meant that I did not sleep well at all. He does not seem sick, but he is drooling little pools all over the house! I think that he has the misfortune of having a runny nose and teething troubles at the same time. Gramma Denno came today to spend some time with the boys so I could take a little nap. (Thank you so much mom I really could not do it without you!). Well, here's hoping for a better one tonight. Sean just took a nice big bottle and finally crashed, so...fingers crossed that we are in for a restful time!

There are a couple things that I've wanted to post, just for memory sake...since this is a "baby book" (of sorts) for the boys.
Sean is getting bigger and so mobile. He is as brave as can be and pulls himself up on everything. He's discovered that he can stand up in bed and now does so all the time (protesting sleep!). My little guy who was so easy to put to bed has now figured out that he has a voice - and he's using it!! I do hope it's a phase, cause I need to sleep! Kellan is just changing so much. He's really leaving the baby/toddler behind and getting to be a preschooler. He's growing into such a little boy! He's learning all the time and talking a lot more. I hear new words every day and he's combining them all the time. He has said "me do it." or "me want." for a while and now he's starting to say "I-me do it." as he tries to figure out the correct language forms. It's cool to watch the little wheels in his head turn.

As Kellan has started to get more language, we've started to talk about Daddy even more. I've talked always, but it's fun to have him ask questions and tell me what he knows. I am always curious what he understands and knows. A couple weeks ago we were laying in bed looking at pictures and he was pointing out Momma and Dada. I asked him where Dada was and he said "Dada fly big dada (he still calls an airplane a "dada") up high in the sky." Whenever we've talked about Dada being in Heaven, that's what we say - way up high in the sky. I think that is how he has come to make sense of it all in his own way. He's precious. I've wanted to post it since so that I could always remember the conversation, then tonight he started the topic again. It really is a beautiful night tonight and we were not able to get outside earlier in the day, so we took a "pajama walk" after the boys had their baths tonight. They had bare feet and were wrapped up with "na-nights" (blankets) and we took a walk around the trail. A big bird flew over and, just like he'd been talking that way for ever, Kellan said "Me fly the bird." I expanded/questioned his sentence and said "You fly like a bird?" He said "yeah, me fly BIG dada (airplane) in the sky." This made me smile...and I have a feeling that his Daddy is smiling too. Kellan did not only say it once. Many times as we walked around the trail (1.7 miles ; ) he said "Me fly big dada in the sky." He wanted all the details. "Sean ride too? Momma buckle Seanie?" "Momma ride?" "Momma buckle?" "Dada (daddy) buckle in (the) dada (airplane)?" I assured Kellan that Daddy always buckled up in the plane and that I would ride with him (and Seanie would too). He asked if Seanie would be scared and I said "no" because Kellan would be very careful and safe. We said that Daddy was always very careful and safe when he flew. Kellan then said "Dada (daddy) help me." He repeated it until I said, I'm sure Dada would help. He was satisfied and then a bit later he repeated it again - without needing assurance..."Dada help me." It makes me sad, that Carl is not here to have conversations with Kellan about flying and nurture his interest, but I am smiling that it seems to be a genetic love for airplanes and flying. Kellan and I are going to take a trip to the airport again very soon and hope we can see some planes coming in. I know he would love it.

I hope you don't mind the ramble tonight. This blog really is for the boys, and this is something I want us to remember always - and if I don't write it down ... FERget it ; )

Love to you all, G'night!

Pirate Seanie on the move ; )
We had a "spa" moment...
A rare smile today : )

We love you Dada/Carl...xoxo, your crew

Friday, April 2, 2010

Here are just a few shots from the last couple of days, I've been terrible about posting...I'll try to do better!!

XXOO, Katie

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Little drummer boy : )

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