Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We went to Kellan's new school today for an orientation. He did really well...he seems SUPER excited to get started!! His first day will not be until September 12th...we will be sure to post more pics. Say a prayer for Gramma Denno that she can bring him without crying ; )


Here is Kellan with his 2 Pre-K teachers...they are wonderful and I know he is going to LOVE SCHOOL!!
A rare Momma photo...errrr...

Kellan's school is right at the end of the street, he couldn't wait to get there...he took off running ; )

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Here are some pics from the last 2 days. I can do NOTHING with Picasa and it is very frustrating?! It won't let me post any pics, so I have to do it the "hard" way?! Enjoy these!!

We are feeling very sad that Em's flight home was cancelled because of the weather, but we hope that you can plan to come home soon!



I guess that apples taste better when eaten from the table!?

Kellan loves all the projects that you sent Auntie Jennifer and Eve!! There were so many, that we are still working on them!! This one was VERY SCARY!! ; ) XXOO

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Here are some pics from yesterday! I finally get a new computer and then Picasa won't let me post for some reason...errr!! Well, enjoy these just the same!

XXOO Katie and the boys

**Sean's glasses are "in the shop" at the moment...he is getting new lenses...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

For the fans that I have disappointed...We DID get a NEW COMPUTER since ours totally gave up!! Things are running much more smoothly with posts now (with the exception of the children's cooperation - of course!!) XXOO US

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Anniversary Granny and Granddad!! We love you and hope that your day is VERY special!!

XXOO Kellan, Sean

P.S. Momma wishes you a very happy day too!! XXOO

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thank you Gramma Denno for the "uniform!" Kellan is TOTALLY about being a firefighter right now and the TV is only ever on "Fireman Sam." He loves to run out of the house to rescue someone or "drive" his firetruck (it looks exactly like MY CAR!!).

This was really Sean's first "project" (that I've had the nerve to try with him)...Just like cousin Eve's little pig. These were extras from the party...Sean saw them in the basement and wanted them both!! We made sure that Kellan got to decorate one and Sean really did do his own. He was a bit more interested in EATING the markers toward the end, but I'd say it was generally a success!

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Thank you Erin and Julie for a really fun day at the beach!! It was wonderful to spend some time with you both!! We REALLY should do it again soon!!

XX Kellan, Sean - and Katie ; )

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sean Talking

**There will certainly be some speech therapy in this guy's future : )

Thinkin' of you Em : ) XX Miss us...See ya soon!!
I just think that this is a handsome (though un-smiling) face so I wanted to post it. He was REALLY tired in this pic...since we got rid of the soother/pacifier naps have been a battle...he's just an "early to bed guy" now!?! We've been taking little breaks from his glasses, but Sean really does wear them most of the time!!! Sometimes when he does not have his glasses on, it REALLY looks like he is controlling his eyes is exciting to see!! It probably happens with the glasses as well, but it is not so easy to notice!! Please say lots of prayers that he will continue to make progress with his vision!!