Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


We are so very proud of Cousin Eve.  What a special graduate you are!!   It has been an important year for all of us...onward and upward!! 
xx Kellan and Sean
We had a blast with Lillian and Connor today!  We got to explore the Imaginarium and it was really cool.  Kept us busy and quiet for more than 2 hours...that is HIGH PRAISE!!


Thanks SO MUCH Lynn, Lillian and Connor!!  We had a SUPER TIME and can't wait for the next visit!!
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We have been REALLY BUSY!!

We have been trying to do a bit of "home school" school every day...want to keep fresh for first grade in the fall...Kellan enjoyed counting all his saved dollars : )

We went to a Summer Solstice drumming circle at the Nature Center...very cool!

The boys got to make banana boats and then they were cooked over the coals...

Our cousin Aurora turned 2!!

She had a Dora birthday party...

Here is a pic with some of our cousins...big group!!

Kellan and Sean were checking out Gramma's new sun roof : )

We also went to an "Adopt-A-Tree" walk at the Nature Center...Sean didn't excel at the paper work!!

Kellan DID!! : )

He took a bark rubbing...

and here is his adopted tree...a Beech Nut.  He is planning to go back and check on it during different seasons to see how it fairs.

Sean found loads of signs...

and some cool carved trees.

We even visited Home Depot and found this cute fridge for Aunt Kathy and Poppa's camper.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We started our Father's Day with a visit to the Fly-in Breakfast at the airport.  We thought it would be just right to Celebrate Daddy's day at his favorite spot in Massena.  

Remembering our Daddy and sending lots of love flying high, today and always...

xx Kellan and Sean

We also are sending lots of love and wishes for a happy day to the other very important men in our lives. We love you Grandad Barry, Poppa, Uncle Ciaran, Uncle Stephen, Uncle Eddie, Ian and Jay! 

**A message from Kellan to ALL of you....he will be very happy to take each of you fishing whenever it is convenient ; )


Sitting here posting this, I can hear lots of small planes overhead, there is a lot of traffic for the breakfast and it feels so "right" - like a perfect tribute to Carl.

The days and even years are passing so quickly as these boys grow and change. We certainly have our shares of struggles, but we have some laughter too. As Kellan and Sean get bigger, they are teaching me a lot about life and what is important. I'm afraid that my learning curve is slow, but I sure am trying! They want to learn a lot too, and there are so many moments that we are thinking of their daddy and wishing that he was here to share their new discoveries. The other day, Kellan was playing a flying game at the arcade (it was a very cool one that had a moving chair that tilted around and shook when you crashed). As I watched him handle that thing waaaay better than I did (I think he may have a natural gift), I could just imagine how Carl would have loved the opportunity to instruct him very throughly on all the major points of proper speed, rudders, flaps, and all that good stuff. Kellan would have loved the conversation, and I know would have absorbed every word. It is just one of many daily moments when Daddy is in our thoughts. We are thinking of him today and celebrate this Father's Day with Carl in our hearts.

All our love....
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