Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Loss

I have never written in this blog about anything sad or even upsetting, but this needs to be said. Our sadness about Carl's recent and very unexpected passing needs to be shared. He was too young and too healty and we can't understand how he can be gone. Carl was totally in love with Kellan and the feeling was very mutual. I don't know what to say beyond that, but we just want it to be known that Carl's memory will always live on, and Kellan (and our new little one) will always know how much Daddy loved them.

We love you Carl/Daddy and will think of you always.
Love Katie, Kellan, and baby