Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A big thank you to Aunt Kathy, Poppa, Erin, and Gramma Denno for spending Christmas (eve) morning with us. It made it very special to have you here. AND - a BIG thank you to Granny and Granddad Barry, Uncle Ciaran, Auntie Dee, Auntie Jennifer, Uncle John, Eve, Uncle Stephen, and Auntie Stacy for all the very special gifts. We are very lucky little boys to have so much love!

This Christmas season has been full of blessings, but it's been very difficult at the same time. We are missing Daddy/Carl, but we know that he is well and smiling down. I'm sure that he is very proud of these little boys - they are something special! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday! We'll be sure to post more NEXT YEAR.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

It was a busy weekend, but we had a nice time. We spent time at home for the most part. We did attend a Pajama party on Friday night at the Power Authority. It was quite a great set-up. Kellan had a lot of fun running around. They had classic Christmas movies playing and crafts. They let a lot of little kids run wild and made it a very special time. I hope to have some pics to blog, but GUESS WHO FORGOT HER CAMERA!?
A sword fight...Seanie is the victor!!

Say "WHAT?!"

Yup...those are his brother's big ole feet!!
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Cooking with Gramma...Elephant Ears - YUMMM!

Thanks Mrs. Chauvin (Kindergarten teacher extraordinaire) for the craft activity!!

Cooking on my own. On the menu..."Alphabet Soup."

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good (lazy) Sunday morning from the Barry Boys! (We hope to have some more pics to blog soon...)

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Well, what a special thing happened today!! We got a BEAUTIFUL card in the mail from Cousin Eve, Auntie Jennifer and Uncle John. Eve certainly did look beautiful (and all cozy for Christmas) on the cover. We love the photo and all the shiny glitter. The boys both enjoyed the card (Kellan liked "reading" it, and...Seanie tried to eat it?!). Thank you so much Eve, it was very special!!

XOXO Katie, Kellan, and Sean

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

I know I'm his momma so I can't be impartial, but this kid is SOOOO cute!! When I see these pictures from Gramma's camera I know that mine does not compare!!


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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here are a few pics from the last couple days. Sean decorated himself like a Christmas tree with his little snacks...xoxo

Santa's little helper...
...and littlest helper!
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

It only looks like Sean was balancing precariously on the bench...he was really very sturdy in the seat. We got the car seats all washed up tonight and I even installed them in the car once everyone was in bed. Sean has officially outgrown his infant car seat - a sad(ish) day, but he was simply too heavy for Momma to carry in it anymore. He seemed to enjoy his new seat though, so we'll see how he likes it when he's actually moving
: )

Daddy would be so proud of you Little Man!!

Gramma Denno came tonight to take care of the boys so I could get groceries for the week. I could take them with me, but when I need to go to more than one store, it's much easier (for them and me) if they can stay home. Everyone had lots of fun and we have an excellent gingerbread house to decorate our home. Thank you so much mom for all the help! I couldn't do it without you!!!

XOXO Katie

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sorry I've been terrible about posting. Things have been so busy - there really are not enough hours in the day. (I think that I'd be far to tired to do anything but sleep in any "extra" hours anyway). Anywho, here are a few shots from the past few days.

Enjoy xoxo

Sean and I had some "Mommy and me" play time after his big brother went to sleep...
Kellan and I made a paper chain to decorate for Christmas...he loves any crafty project like that...So cute!!
One of my schools had their annual "Ornament" night tonight. They have all kinds of ornament kits that the kids can put together and Kellan really enjoyed it and did a great job : )
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It's been a while since I've posted a comparison and I'm afraid it's partially because Sean has already outgrown the clothes that Kellan wore at his age and has moved quickly on to 12 month outfits. I really wanted to get a shot of Seanie in this outfit though, so I had to make it work. Sean's feet wouldn't actually fit in the suit...he's too long, so we just covered his legs with a stocking and he looks super precious. XOXO

In his shot, Sean is staying cozy by our new heater/fireplace (We love it Aunt Kathy and Poppa!! What a treat having an Uncle in the furniture business)!! The cozy "fire" is so relaxing and Sean loves to sit and watch it.

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