Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It only looks like Sean was balancing precariously on the bench...he was really very sturdy in the seat. We got the car seats all washed up tonight and I even installed them in the car once everyone was in bed. Sean has officially outgrown his infant car seat - a sad(ish) day, but he was simply too heavy for Momma to carry in it anymore. He seemed to enjoy his new seat though, so we'll see how he likes it when he's actually moving
: )

Daddy would be so proud of you Little Man!!

Gramma Denno came tonight to take care of the boys so I could get groceries for the week. I could take them with me, but when I need to go to more than one store, it's much easier (for them and me) if they can stay home. Everyone had lots of fun and we have an excellent gingerbread house to decorate our home. Thank you so much mom for all the help! I couldn't do it without you!!!

XOXO Katie

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad (for your sake) that you switched Sean over to a "Big Boy" seat. I don't know how you carried that 'lil man around! That gingerbread house looks like fun! Kellan you are such a great decorator!
Katie, I am so glad that you are here in Massena! It is SO nice to have a GREAT friend nearby to do things with! The cards were fun and SO cute! I LOVE spending time with you and your little men! You are a great mommy and friend! You know where I am if you need anything! Even a shopping trip out! HUGS HUGS HUGS
Oh--thanks for the walks and talks! It brightens my days! :-)