Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Regatta?!

So, for fun today we went to see Gramma at her "Flag Happy!" display in Norwood NY. They were having their annual Regatta?! They had a big sign out stating that they were holding snowmobile races on the river - yup...SNOW mobile. I seriously thought that it was a misprint, but it turns out that is exactly what they did...have you ever heard of such a thing? Is it just a "make your own fun when you live in the middle of nowhere" thing? Well, Kellan loved it even though it was LOUD. I took several pics of us and this is the closest he would come to looking at the camera. He wouldn't take his eyes off the drivers for a second. After each race he kept asking for more.
Kellan and Momma XOXO

They really did race SNOW mobiles on the water...who knew?!

On a side note...Gramma took Kellan back down to the water later for more, but they were back within about two minutes - it seems that her nerves could not take it when some drivers fell in and one was almost (according to her) hit by another snowmobile. She immediately told Kellan that he is NEVER allowed to participate in such foolishness ; )

The unlucky ones had to be fished out by this rig...they are well prepared because I hear that they do this every year.

Sean was safely (he only looks like he is dangling a bit) back with Gramma and the flags : )
I had 2 very tired little boys on the way home - you can see Sean in the mirror...he had a big day too : )
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