Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I just think that this is a handsome (though un-smiling) face so I wanted to post it. He was REALLY tired in this pic...since we got rid of the soother/pacifier naps have been a battle...he's just an "early to bed guy" now!?! We've been taking little breaks from his glasses, but Sean really does wear them most of the time!!! Sometimes when he does not have his glasses on, it REALLY looks like he is controlling his eyes is exciting to see!! It probably happens with the glasses as well, but it is not so easy to notice!! Please say lots of prayers that he will continue to make progress with his vision!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sure are a handsome little man Sean!!!