Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Some very early morning shots from yesterday. So happy that it is Saturday now...what a week it was!!

A recap of this very interesting week would sound something like this... Mom (THANK YOU) made me an appointment at the garage for my car. It was sounding really loud and I was scared that it was going to be a big ticket repair!!? It turned out to be only some kind of heat cover and was very inexpensive ($25 yeah!!)...They checked the brakes and all and we got a good report...ready to roll!! PHEW!!
Also this week...we got a new dining table (OH HOW WONDERFUL TO HAVE AN UNCLE (AND AUNT) IN THE FURNITURE BUSINESS! - - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!) since right after the boys b-day our table finally gave up and refused to close?!
What else...well, on the same day...(Wednesday to be exact)...I woke to a "hot" smell, only to discover that the fan in the boy's room had stopped turning...I guess the motor died?! AND...later that day...the dryer gave up - it no longer turns!? So we are forced to be very "eco-friendly" and hang about 15 little boys t-shirts to dry all over the place ; )

With all of this comes some BEAUTIFUL WEATHER and we've been outside constantly enjoying it. No matter how long we are out...Sean is still screaming all the way in ; ) Today, the boys had lunch and dinner outside with only necessary trips into the house for bathroom breaks and nap time.

On a last note...I dropped off an application for a job about 25 minutes away in an excellent school district, and I really pray that it will work out!! If not...there will be something else I am sure!

Lots of love to all!!
XX Katie and the boys


Lovin' that 'baba'

"aaaaahhh, good stuff!"


Anonymous said...

I'm smiling at Sean David (his "ba-ba")and you!!! Love and I'm SO proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your job hunt Katie! I am sure they will scoop you right up!