Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wow...what an event. I hardly know what to do with all my free time - now that the party planning is done. I think I'll take up gardening ; ) There were not all that many photos of the party, but here are a few...with the rest of the pics in a video to follow : )

We had a very nice time and appreciate everyone coming to celebrate with the boys! We missed our family who could not come, but we can't wait to see you soon!! The weather was pretty "unpredictable" with hail, rain, and sunshine intermittently?! We did get outside a bit, but it worked out wonderfully to have the party inside...very COZY!

Love to you all, Katie and the boys

Just in time for the birthday party, a package arrived from Granny and Granddad Barry - it had a very handsome new top for Kellan and he LOVED it : ) (It also smelled very nicely of Granny's perfume--ahhh) Thanks to you, he was all dressed up for his party! Sadly, Sean could not wear his outfit (the cutest little short set ever...). We'll be sure to post a pic of it when the weather warms up!!
Thank you Granny and Granddad!! XOXO

We know that you are very proud of these special boys Daddy! XOXO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We LOVED LOVED LOVED everything about the party. What an AMAZING job you did Katie! How lucky those cute boys are!! Katie says her favorite part of the party was the game room--she LOVED getting prizes. Thank you SO much for making us part of your special day Kellan and Sean-we wouldn't have wanted to miss it for the world!
HUGS to you all....
Mandy, Ross, Katie and Ky