Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Two posts in one day! I'm taking full advantage of the weekend.

I don't usually write much, but today I'm gonna use this blog as a bit of a journal ; ). It was really a nice long day. This whole weekend actually went by kind of slowly - that's rare. Today was really productive and a lot of fun. It was rainy all day and we were able to just stay home since we finished all the errands yesterday.

We were busy clearing out the basement a little bit in order to make it "usable" for the winter. I wanted to be able to let Kellan ride his toys down there or throw a ball around. There's not too much room, but once it was cleaned up a bit today, he stayed down there for quite a while playing. That was one of the really fun bits about today. You know how some times it's just really fun to be a Momma? We have this little thing ( mother always did it with me...even when I was 15!!) When he is out of my sight around the house (like in his playroom), I just call to him and say "Kellan, you okay?" and he says "Yeh." I ask every few minutes just to make sure. Well, today I was in the kitchen and he was right in the basement, but he was playing so nicely that it was really quiet. I called down as usual and he replied "yeh." then a couple minutes later he called up to me "Momma, ya okay?"...SOOO CUTE!! I said "yeh, I'm okay?" and he said "k" and (I guess) just kept playing. Precious moments.

Sean was just sweet as could be today. Lots of big smiles and cuddles - he loves kisses!! I was looking at him today and noticed that his eye lashes are darker than I remember Kellan's being. It made me wonder if he'll end up with dark hair like his daddy (XO).

The boys are getting really interested in each other. Kellan is learning to be more gentle and Sean just loves to watch his big brother perform.

All in all a really fun day!

We don't have a whole lot of room, so I got out the little chair that Rebecca loaned us so that Sean can start to join us at the table - rather than on it : )

I've been wanting to "decorate" for fall, so I decided to do a little project with Kellan today...we started it at the table...

...with a little helper...

...and finished it about 6 hours later after a bath. No hurry, we just went with the flow today!


(I wanted to be able to put our pumpkin in the window, but in order to see it over the -overgrown- hedge, it needed a boost.)

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