Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pardon the VERY messy house in these pics, but I had to post!!  I am feeling all kinds of freedom this morning with extra time on my hands!!  Gramma Denno is going to watch the boys today and I have an entire day at work to catch up on work things and plan for my students.  It also means that the boys are still sleeping and when they get up, I won't need to repeatedly call out "MOVE IT!!" to get us out the door on time.  Having said that, the boys really have done well and (most days) it is not as difficult as I thought it was going to be...even with Bella Bean to take care of!  (Thanks Gramma Denno for letting her out and giving her cuddles so often). 

Anywho, last night we made our own chicken nuggets for dinner and the boys loved them (even Sean ate all of his and had seconds...although he only started with 3 tiny pieces because he so often wastes food...he is more a bread boy than a meat boy - like his momma...).  They loved the process and Kellan asked if we could make them again.  It was a really great "keep-em-busy" event and it was fun!!  It  was also WAY cheaper than buying gluten free chicken nuggets...especially if you want any kind of healthy chicken!!  I may put these little workers on the job to stock the freezer with chicken nuggets : ) 

Well, enjoy the day all!! 
With our love...

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