Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Here are some pics from a few days ago. Kellan INSISTED on painting a bird house that he built for a very lucky little bird family. He can't wait to hang it so the birds can move in to their "cozy new home!" Sean wanted a project too, so he added a bit more color to his piggy bank ; )

Love that expression?!

I took this picture right before he began to feel that the pig had enough paint and he started in on the table! : (

This guy LOVES a project ; )
**Hope you like your birthday gift "Katie-Cakes"...Kellan picked it out ; )

So, it has been a really tough week. Kellan was sick with a cough and a double ear infection. We thought that we were well on the mend...then Sean started to get a sick tummy last night. We had a loooong night (I had/have a whole lot of laundry to catch up on -- if you know what I mean!!). So, when the kiddos started to feel a bit better today, we invaded the cabinets for rice ....... play time. The boys have played (QUIETLY!!) for a long time today, and I'm sure they will enjoy it again another day ; )

Yes, all that rice WAS in our cabinets??!!

G'night all...xx us

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