Maybe this will help my success with Skype calls!! Ireland Time... A clock for those of us (ME!) who can NEVER figure out the time difference!! ...and here is the USA time...for comparison...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Very sorry that we've been MIA lately. We are in the "end of the year rush" trying to sort out all that needs to be done before we can wrap up the school year. All that while spending every possible minute outside with the boys.
(I must add that Kellan and I were looking at the above pic of Sean and Kellan laughed out loud...he said "Oh, look at Donnie cute...he cheeky!")

Seanie made a BIG mess with his dinner tonight!

Then we took a bike ride...the boys LOVE the new bike trailer that the Perretta family gave us. Seanie does not like it when we are sitting still, but the second we start moving...he is happy as can be ; )

At this point...we were NOT moving = Poor Sean...Happy Kellan ; )
(clearly, we didn't clean faces after dinner before we left for our ride)
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Anonymous said...

Thank God! ...New pictures! It feels so good to see those little faces and hear about all that they're doing! Thank you, Kate! Your "Mom"

Anonymous said...

I am glad the boys like their bew bike trailer! I love pulling the girls around in ours! We'll have to plan some "adventures" this summer and "Be Green" with our bikes as our mode of transporation! Watch out world-here we come!! :-)